Magic Eden integrates support for Runes, the new Bitcoin NFT protocol

Solana's non-fungible token marketplace, Magic Eden, will integrate support for the NFT Runes protocol, based on…

Everyworld, Web3 advertising service, reaches 225K users in one month of beta

Web 3 Everyworld advertising services platform has reached a total user base of 225,000 as of…

Enhancing Governance with Digital Governance and Decentralized Voting

Digital governance and decentralized voting systems powered by blockchain technology are reshaping traditional models of decision-making…

Understanding the Environmental Impact of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have revolutionized various industries, but their environmental impact has sparked concerns regarding…

Revolutionizing Intellectual Property and Copyright in Web3

The emergence of Web3 technology is reshaping traditional notions of intellectual property (IP) and copyright, ushering…

Nirvana Cloud, competitor to AWS and Google for Web3?

Nirvana Cloud, a native Web3 cloud computing service, seeks to carve out a space in the…

Canton Network has concluded a pilot for real-world tokenized assets

Canton Network has successfully concluded a pilot for real-world tokenized assets in which 45 banks and… will reward users of its FET token with GPUs, a decentralized artificial intelligence company, which works with the FET token, will reward users of…

BlackRock launches its first tokenized fund on the Ethereum network

BlackRock has launched its first tokenized fund on the Ethereum network and announces a strategic investment…

Gaudí World Foundation will participate in the NFT Korea Festival

Gaudí World Foundation, recognized for its dedication to preserving the architect's artistic legacy, makes an appearance…